Web Design Clients

Ranch Dance

This site is an archive of traditional music from Texas and the West. The relational database is built on Drupal and lets people navigate from songs, composers, artists, albums and genres.

The Huggins Family

This is a Drupal site designed to help keep a growing family connected. With four generations in various stages in building their own families, this is a solution that everyone can communicate to eachother and share things like photos and events.


This is a Drupal site I built for my sister. She is a functional ceramicist that needed a place to show her work to others. There are galleries of her pottery that can be sorted by category or other factors along with pages for her artist statement other art pieces like painting.

Landis Images

This is the first web page I built for my wife, Ashley. It is hard-coded HTML with CSS. There are several pages including an about me page, online ordering integration, a gallery of multimedia items, a portfolio and an image slideshow.


This is the official alumni site for the Texas State Recording Arts program. It has info about the association and news about upcoming events. It was originally designed in Joomla then moved over to Drupal eventually.


You are here now ;-) This picture is from the original design. It was hard-coded HTML and CSS. Now I use a content management system called Drupal to keep everything organized and the design is very different.