Pickin' For the Record Date Change

By Nick Landis on Monday Mar, 14th 2011



Greetings! We've been working hard to spread the word about "Pickin' for the Record II." As you know, we established a new Guinness World Record at Luckenbach in August 2009 and our record has since been broken by a group of 6,436 Polish Pickers. We're determined to bring the World Record back to Texas and through your support we're well on the way. Our production team has determined that we need more time, so we've elected to change the date of "Pickin' for the Record II" from Sunday, March 20th to Sunday, June 26th 2011 on the south steps of the State Capitol.

Here's why:

  1. On Sunday, June 26th 2011, the State Legislature will no longer be in session and we'll have better access to the Capitol grounds. Key on-site legislator parking in our "event area" will be available in June that would not be available during the regular legislative session.
  2. The City of Austin, who has been tremendously helpful in our efforts, is more amenable to the June date. It gives city officials more time to deal with the necessary street closures to accommodate the large crowds that will attend.
  3. By June, school is out! This is a family event and we've had numerous comments from supporters mentioning that the Monday after the March event is a school day. The June 26th date makes it easier for families with school-aged children to attend.


Our co-promoter in this event, the Texas Music Office, agrees. We simply must assemble the necessary pickers to bring this Guinness World Record back home to Texas in support of our Troops. We must have adequate registrations well in advance of our event date to insure success. Because this is an Official Guinness World Record event, we need specific information on every picker. Guinness requires that we reclaim our World Record fair and square, and we want to give adequate time to officially register at least 6500 pickers on our website (http://voicesofagratefulnation.org/). We've elected therefore to make this important change:


Yes folks, we're opening up the floodgates to allow everyone an opportunity to participate in this exceptional event, to support our troops, and to be part of Texas Music History. Several days after you receive this "Pickers' Update," we'll be sending out a massive email and social media blast letting everyone know that the event is open to everyone at no charge. But before any public announcements, we wanted you to know. You have been tremendously supportive in registering and in paying your $15.00 fee, and we want to let you know how this effects you and your financial commitment to our cause. If the new date poses problems for you, we'll refund your registration fee. Simply email us at info@voicesofagratefulnation.org and submit your request. We're hoping however that you will stick with us! Let us explain how the new registration process will work:

We will be accepting registrations at no charge to all those who want to participate, but we will encourage them to make a $15.00 contribution to secure their T-Shirt and the Dog Tags. We're hoping that the bulk of our new registrants will exercise that option. You, or course, have already secured your T-Shirt and Dog Tags, and we're hoping that you'll stick with us on the revised date.

We sincerely thank you for your support and hope to see you on the south steps of the State Capitol on Sunday, June 26th, 2011 to establish a special page in Texas music history and, most importantly, to support our music programs for our troops and their families.