We're Reclaiming Our World Record

By Nick Landis on Monday Jan, 17th 2011

Click Here to Register

On Sunday, March 20th from 1PM - 4PM we will be taking back the Guinness Book of World Record for the Largest Guitar Ensemble at the State Capitol of Texas.

Texas Pickers Unite to Reclaim the Guiness World Record

The South Steps of the State Capitol will be the ideal venue to create a new page in Texas music history and to represent our State's unparalleled commitment to our men and women in uniform.

This promises to be an exceptional event and a much cooler Sunday afternoon of music from 1:00 until 4:00! Proceeds from your registration fees benefit “Operation Soft Landing” the Soldiers' Angels' program that helps combat troops readjust to life back in the States as well as the joint efforts of Voices, Soldiers' Angels, and the Yamaha Music and Wellness Institute to incorporate music into the healing process for injured combat troops. Please bring your friends and family . . . We invite them to enjoy this singular event free of charge.

The information above was copied from the official website and is not original content.