
YouTube Implements ISNI

By Nick Landis on Tuesday Jan, 30th 2018

YouTube announced this week they are implementing the ISNI standard for name disambiguation across their whole platform. The International Standard Name Identifier is an ISO-certified global standard number for uniquely identifying anyone who creates anything. Public names of a researcher, investor, writer, artist, actor, performer, publisher, etc... are unambiguously attributed by number globally in perpetuity regardless of field, medium, or type of art/creation.

YouTube Sync Licensing

By Nick Landis on Friday Aug, 10th 2012

"So, how can I make money with my music that ends up on YouTube?" a client asked me last week.  I promptly told him I had no idea, but it probably had to do with getting tens of thousands of hits and then advertisers deciding they wanted to put ads on your chanel. . .  I thought for a little whlie longer and decided it would be a great blog post because I'm sure there are many independant musicians that would love to know.